Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Search For Greatness Begins Inside Ourselves

Many people are looking for that one thing that will make them happy, whether it be wealth, a relationship, a new career, etc. Many people have gotten what they thought they wanted, only to find out it wasn't what they wanted at all. They search endlessly for something outside of themselves to fulfill them and give them a sense of purpose in life. They never stop to think that what they want is already within them.

If people could find a way to get out of their heads and into their hearts, and stop trying to feed the insatiable mental beast that encourages them to always go for more even at the expense of others, what a different world this would be.

If I could have just one thing, it would be for each man, woman, and child on this planet to realize the greatness that lies within them. If each person on earth truly became aware of and believed that we are one, that we come from the same Divine source, and that what we do to one we do to all including ourselves, do you think we would be so quick to pick up a gun against another?

Would we be so quick to put another down so that we may feel better about ourselves? Or might we, upon realizing the greatness of who we are, look for the greatness in others rather than what we "perceive" to be their flaws and weaknesses?

So many people try in futility to change another to their way of viewing and being in the world. In so doing, the result is often needless conflict, suffering, and suppression of our true selves. It has been my experience, that the more I have been connected to my own greatness (the wisdom, clarity, and unconditional love of my heart) the more people around me seemed to do things in a way that "was acceptable" to me.

You can spend many lifetimes trying to change the world, or you can connect to the greatness within you and change the world around you in an instant, simply because you are there.

Being that we have all been blessed with free will, we get to make a choice. I for one, am choosing to step more boldly into my own greatness from this moment on in all that I think, speak and do. I lovingly encourage and invite you to do the same.

If we all made that choice right here, right now, in this moment, we would wake up to far a different world tomorrow morning. One of unconditional love for one another. A world of peace, joy, happiness, and well being for all. We all have a choice, what choice will you make?

Because it seems that in today's society there is too much to do and not enough time to do it, I want to make sure you don't have any excuse to not use affirmations in a powerful way because of time.

So in this article, I am sharing with you my down and dirty five minutes a day Power Affirmations routine.

As I have talked about in other articles, the most powerful time to work with affirmations is during the half hour before you go to bed at night. This is the time we will focus on here. This is the time you want to use without fail for five minutes every night.

The entire routine consists of only three simple steps, all of which you can complete in less than five minutes.


Take a powerful stance, and with your hand on your heart, and all the emotion you can muster, state up to five of your affirmations outloud.


Write, don't print those same affirmations in a notebook. Writing is an ideomotor response which automatically puts what you write into your subconscious mind.


Finally visualize or imagine yourself experiencing the life as if all of your affirmations had manifested.

Completing all three steps should take no more than five minutes. I hope you will agree that you are worth at least five minutes of your time to move your life forward in a positive direction. I hope you think you are worth more.

If nothing else, do this down and dirty five minute routine for the next 30 days, and I think you will be surprised how something so simple can be so powerful.

Here's to affirming your success!